Originally Posted by Val
I've seen blogs that go on and on about my-profoundly-gifted-child, post constant updates about what the little darling has accomplished, and include real names and photographs. IMO, and others may disagree, this is vulgar and may end up damaging the child, who has no say about what mommy is revealing about him or her. And it may come back to haunt the child if others are put off by mommy's bragging. Plus, it makes things harder for other gifted kids and their parents, too.

So yes, Joyce Slaton's blog post was crass, but that doesn't mean that some people don't have a valid point about being tired of someone raving on and on about their gifted little darling.

Although I do agree that certain online information may be uncomfortable for the child later, I think blogging about a child is different than bragging (or perceived bragging) face-to-face. If someone finds a blog annoying/threatening/boring/whatever, they can just stop reading, but having to put up with someone in real life is trickier. IMO, much of the differentiation between perceived bragging or matter-of-fact sharing depends on the history of the listener and his/her insecurities.