If the subject is milestones (or whatever) and you're being honest and matter of fact, I don't thing it's bragging, though other people's insecurities may lead them to claim that it is.

I, too, thought that Slaton's post was pretty obnoxious and that it said a lot more about her than it did about other people. But to be fair, I've seen and heard some pretty stunningly vulgar bragging.

When I was in high school, one of our athletes was very, very talented and was scouted by universities all over the country. The school and his parents bragged about him to the point where the poor kid had no idea that there were better athletes than him out there. He couldn't handle not being number one when he got to college, and it took a terrible toll on him.

I've seen blogs that go on and on about my-profoundly-gifted-child, post constant updates about what the little darling has accomplished, and include real names and photographs. IMO, and others may disagree, this is vulgar and may end up damaging the child, who has no say about what mommy is revealing about him or her. And it may come back to haunt the child if others are put off by mommy's bragging. Plus, it makes things harder for other gifted kids and their parents, too.

So yes, Joyce Slaton's blog post was crass, but that doesn't mean that some people don't have a valid point about being tired of someone raving on and on about their gifted little darling.