I really love and hate this whole conversation at the same time. I am kind of new to this and have felt so isolated so it's awesome to know there's a group of people who are feeling similar things, but also I feel so frustrated that people are so easily offended and that I need to be so over thinking when I say things about my child. I have definitely resorted to not talking about his abilities or achievements but feel very awkward when people ask me a question that involves a truthful answer that could be considered braggy. I have always been good at math or science but never good with language and communication and am no where near as gifted as my son or people on this board. I am always well intentioned wih anything I do or say but somehow when it comes to talking about any accomplishments or challenges with my son it almost always comes out wrong. When someone brags to me about their child, even intentionally, I never think negatively of them. I just think " oh they might be bragging but that's awesome!" anyway, I'm hoping I can get guidance here from all of you nice people... I'm still learning and it truly upsets me when people take things I say the wrong way. I'm hoping I will be able to find a group of people who understands. I hate that I'm always afraid to talk to people with normal children. I'm a stay at home mom so my kids are my life and I don't have much to talk about so I mostly just listen and talk about the other persons kids. Like someone else said though I want my son to be proud of his accomplishments too. We always call grandma to tell her how great he did at something. I really enjoy reading all your posts and have gotten some good ideas on how to better say things even though I really dislike having to be so careful =]. Thanks!