Originally Posted by annette
Originally Posted by Ametrine
I'm of the opinion that a non-gifted child can have the same instruction as a gifted child and the non-gifted child will learn, yet not to the extent and breadth that the gifted child will take that instruction.

That was said perfectly.

Thanks. It's hard to keep my train of thought on the track sometimes.

Also, I don't mean to imply that a gifted child with spontaneous learning is better than a child that is helped along the way. I don't buy into the belief that children exist in a hierarchy (gifted or not, spontaneous or not).

It's only that I've noticed some comments on this forum that suggest spontaneous learning doesn't happen--because it does. Even neglected children learn to walk. I find that when others discount my reality, it makes me wonder at their motives. I've made the assumption that it must be based on a belief system like I've described. Obviously, I could be wrong, and it may due to an inability to accept experiences outside of their own.

I've noticed the spontaneous learning on my son's part. It usually seems to happen overnight. Literally. He will wake up in the morning and it's like he had a "brain infusion" or something.

LoL...my son is reading this as I type and asking if I'm talking about him. "Are you talking about me on there, mom? Are you?" LoL