Originally Posted by CAMom
Have we considered that the mere discussion or notion that our children are gifted, some even more than others, is offensive to some. The entire Identification and Testing subforum could be offensive.

Sometimes people get offended because of reasons beyond the poster's control. I'm leaning towards Lucounu's thoughts but I would like to add that the reader must also bring honest interpretation and intentions to the conversation. If you go looking for a fight, you're going to find one. If someone came here to argue that giftedness is poppycock and a way for upper middle class rich white folk to claim their kids are superior, we certainly wouldn't change our posts to make room for that person to feel welcome. At least... I wouldn't.
That's very true. I should modify what I said, but I'll do so here rather than by editing: I don't think there is a right not to be offended, and I don't think politeness is a very high virtue (there are many good reasons to be impolite, even offensive, in my view). You've pointed at one set of examples that's relevant here. My views on religion are offensive to many, and theirs to me; I don't think any of us should have to shut up. Maybe it would be better to say: it's good to try to avoid being misinterpreted as saying something offensive, when that isn't what you meant. Give offence only deliberately ;-)

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