I have to respectfully disagree. I don't think the OP learned anything about communication; she knew the ideas that her signature line was communicating, and desired to communicate them. She has simply bowed to pressure from a vocal minority of users. Regardless of what she says to be polite, she has been censored, and apparently not by a group that represents how most people here use and view this board.

There's an important free speech aspect of discussion boards like this one. Not in the constitutional sense, but in the sense that people need to feel free to speak their minds within reason, or the basic purpose of the forum is thwarted.

The standard simply can't be whether one or a few people are worried that a statement made by another user might offend a third party who hasn't happened along yet. There has to be a limitation of reasonableness.

In addition, I doubt that more than one person in this case originally viewed the OP's signature line as potentially, theoretically offensive. A few people agreed after being directly, publicly asked that the signature might theoretically offend-- but in the context of the forum guidelines thread, I read those people's comments more as votes for a softer, more "considerate" forum.

A goal here is to avoid (needless) offense (by a reasonable person), but the main goal is to discuss. Otherwise this board is worthless.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick