I'm still trying to decide which is worse:

a) hiding it when there are women around, or

b) NOT hiding it because the only women around are "just one of the boys" and won't (shouldn't?) care.

I've been treated to some of that by being "one of the guys." I was never sure if it was just that they truly WERE more open around me... or if it was a subtle form of hazing to make SURE that I was actually one of the boys. Since, you know, if it offended me, they'd know I needed kicking out of the super-secret clubhouse or something.

Hmm. Never have figured that out. My DH maintains that it is just that guys are inherently kind of not that deep, and that I'm overthinking it, which would tilt things toward the former explanation. Being female, I don't have a lot of insight into the male psyche, sophomoric or otherwise.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.