Most males are stupid about females. But what breaks my heart most about misogyny is that girls and women often self-inflict it. For example, a smart woman once responded to me about this � � by saying: "I'm against it, because we want to always put the best available person on the U.S. Supreme Court."
How is that a misogynist view? You also should remember that the pool of potential Supreme Court justices is also narrowed by each candidate's perceived alignment with the beliefs of the nominating president.
Major female-friendly websites have posted comments by me that have linked to the proposal, but no women have dared to support the idea to my knowledge.
By using "dared", do you mean to suggest that some women would support your idea on the internet, but are afraid to? I think that's doubtful.
A liberal male emeritus professor I know responded to my proposal by saying that women did not deserve the equality, but homosexuals did. So the line forms to the rear