Originally Posted by GeoMamma
I made this decision, but it was not any more natural than any other option. Like HowlerKarma, it was due to lower earning capacity. And even if the decision WAS natural - and I'm not saying it is - then that doesn't make it natural that people should be penalized for it.

The penalization is a function of our society, NOT a natural consequence of biology. Choosing to mother (or father) your children should not be penalized.

It is a function of the way our society is so segregated, how children are marginalized in so many ways. Women and men who choose (or a required to by virtue of their children's nature) to have primary care of their children are excluded from many areas of our society. We have all had the experience, I'm sure, of dirty looks when we bring our children to something remotely intellectual. Work can be extremely difficult.

The 'natural' argument also does not address the issues raised by HowlerKarma. (Good post btw)

We could argue if this segregation is good or bad, but I do not believe the argument that it is in anyway natural can hold water.
I agree totally.

Just because society is running the way it is now or how it once ran with women staying home and only the men working, does not mean either is a natural or even a good way for a society to run.

I worked in the corporate head office as a professional. Most of the people working extra hours were not the most productive people. I think it had more to do with putting on a show than anything else. The golf they often played probably was more about putting on a show than a real interest in golf IMHO.