Originally Posted by Nicole2
Good grief.
3. And does Bostonian think about ANYTHING other than proving how men are superior to women biologically? Seriously, every single post is about a boy genius, testosterone being superior, boys not needing to show their work, affirmative action destroying the world, etc. etc. etc. It makes for an unwelcoming environment.
Gently putting my toe in the pool, I happened to be following the thread relating to showing work in math. Here's what the post said:

"but some people (perhaps more boys than girls) with better math than verbal skills can solve certain math problems but not necessarily explain how they solved them."

Maybe the "perhaps more boys than girls" parenthetical should have appeared at the end of the sentence, so as not to distract the reader.

I read this to mean that, in the larger universe, there exists a population of people who are comparatively more skilled in mathematics than in the verbalishness. I further understood that this disparity (lower relative verbal skills) might hinder the ability of these people to explain their work -- regardless of chromosomal makeup. Lastly, and parenthetically, I recognized as a suggestion that within this population there might (perhaps) be more boys than girls. That is to say (I suppose) that more boys find themselves with a verbal skill deficit...

Does Bostonian not actually say, then, that the boys are, in general, more stupider?

I think it a mighty brash leap from "boys are more stupider" to "boys don't have to show their work."

As for Bostonian's comments on boy geniuses, testosterone, and affirmative action, I don't know what he contributed. Although... after seeing how he disparaged boys in math v. verbal skills, I'm quite curious to read what he's got to offer on the other topics.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz