I think I have finally hit upon the reasons why this proposal irritates me so much.

First, there is an underlying assumption that women, who have been voting citizens in the US for less than 100 years, and who have made staggering progress on their own during that time, and who comprise the majority of the population, won't be able to rise to the point of rough parity on the Court by virtue of their own work without it being constitutionally mandated.

Second, there is an assumption that there is something called "the feminine perspective" that will be brought to the court by this device, as if what women think about the law and how they would rule is somehow determined by their gender. Just as the individual within-gender IQ differences are far larger than those between the genders as a whole, so the experiences and views of individual women are more different from each other than the experiences and views of women as a group are from men as a group - and we don't appoint groups to the courts, but individuals. Many women I know would suggest that Phyllis Schlafly, for example, wouldn't have done as good a job representing their perspective as Thurgood Marshal did.

I am personally far more concerned with what is above the Justices' robes than what is under them. Their legal philosophy, intelligence, and political independence concern me more, and frankly, have far more relevance to the outlook for women's rights, than their gender does.

Third, I have spent my entire life struggling to seen for who I am as an individual, and to be recognized for what I can do on my own merits, and not as some talking dog, as someone who is worthy of recognition because she can speak well and reason well, not because she can speak and reason at all, and this proposal would really institutionalize the idea that there are separate standards by which men and women should be evaluated at the highest levels of performance.

I hope this clarifies for you why so many women have shown absolutely no interest in what you see as a beneficial proposal.