I can tell that at least the GT coordinator is kind of done with me for now. I know that I've been a pain this year and I'm sure that part of it is due to my frustration with how much better the services are for high achieving kids than for underachieving gifted kids.
That aside, I am really putting my focus on getting dd into the best placement for next year and just getting through the rest of this year. I'm working with her quite a bit at home on memory and study techniques b/c she seems to need a lot more help in that area than her sister has. We'll see how her latest tests came out, but it seems like her grades are coming out somewhat better at the moment.
I do realize that they can't say no to the 504 but I just don't know if it will help enough to warrant my continuing to harrass them. If my working with her can keep her grades @ a reasonably high enough place, I think that's just where we're going to leave it for the rest of the year and not worry about the fact that she isn't getting any accommodations at school.
If we can start fresh with a new school next year, I'll regroup and reconsider the 504 at that point. The dx is recent enough that they'll still have to honor it for a 504.
At the suggestion of others, I am trying to plead dd's case with school A in the hopes that they'll cut her some slack and let her in. Her homeroom teacher also offered to put in a good word for her there.