I'm glad dd liked it. I'm glad the commute isn't as bad as you thought. Small class size with flexible teachers sounds good. You can always afterschool Math if you don't think she is learning enough.
The main, main, main thing is to get into that school and observe the recieving teacher. What books are availible in the classroom? Would it start to feel like your DD is in the 'non-gifted' track at her old school? You have to see it in action to even guess. If you think it's ok, try and have your DD shadow for a few days before you make any decisions.
If your main concern is getting her to high school with more of a sense of who she is and liking it - this school sounds good.
If your main concern is getting a good education, maybe keep her where she is with the high achievers and a tutor (really, it's worth a try!) and a trial of meds. I've heard that about Stimulents being better for Hyperactive and not so good for paying attention, but that isn't our personal experience.
Health Insurance and family income are really important - can you find some 'adopt a grandma' type to cover for you while you work so you can homeschool?
I wish I had more ideas.
Love and More Love,