To answer a few questions:

No, dd can't come to work with me. On an occassional emergency basis (as long as it isn't flu season), I can bring her in but not daily and she is too young to volunteer there. Last winter all children under age 12 were banned from setting foot in the hospital if they were not patients due to concerns about flu.

I am already helping her out at home with trying to see the more typical approach and paying attention to the details in the directions.

Where she is really running into trouble in math in particular is the tests. They have moved toward standards based grading which apparently means that the 2-3 tests/quarter count for 80% of your grade. Even if she gets As on everything else, a bad test scores means that your class grade isn't going to be good. As I said, she isn't getting Ds or Fs by a long shot, but she regularly misses a lot of points on tests due to simple errors. She missed 1/2 of the points on an entire section of one test b/c she overlooked the part of the directions that said to show your units of measure. She calculated everything correctly but didn't write in any units (cm, etc.). Another instance had her doing the calculations correctly but transferring the wrong answers to the answer line. She got zero points on those questions b/c the answers on the line were incorrect.

I'm not yet sure how to help her with that. She does need to work on the relaxation techniques, though!

eta: We haven't tried meds, The psych didn't seem to optimistic that they'd be very effective for inattentive type ADD, worried about stimulant meds increasing anxiety, and worried about dd's size (she's very small -- like 5th percentile). She felt that the non-stim meds might be a possibility but said that you had to take them consistently for months before you'd start to see a benefit. Dd didn't sound too sold on the idea after hearing all of that.

Last edited by Cricket2; 12/11/10 08:03 PM.