Also to respond to DeeDee

Reason 1: the teachers in the old place have seen the deficits already; it won't take them months to notice what's going on and think about making a plan
The teachers @ her current school seem to be leaning toward believing that dd is "bright" but not seriously able and that any issues she has are b/c we are placing her in too challenging of classes and she'd be fine if we just put her in the slower/non GT classes. That may be true; as I mentioned earlier, she does get easy As in non-accelerated classes, but I don't agree with the assumption that she is just not able enough.
The other thing that has kept me from seriously pursuing a 504 is that I don't know what we could ask for in a 504 that would make a difference for dd. Dd12 was easy when she had a 504 for slower processing speed/dyspraxia and SPD earlier in her school career. We knew what she needed (to be seated away from noisy stuff and possibly to get a little extra time) and it worked beautifully when she got those accommodations. With dd10, I don't know if any accommodations would make a major difference in her performance and anxiety.