Dd shadowed @ school A yesterday and really liked it which was great. She shadowed a girl who was in the accelerated 7th grade math and also said that she thought it wasn't too hard. She doesn't like Everyday Math, the curriculum they use in the elementary (and for the 6th grade math she's doing), so maybe she'll like the different math curriculum the middle schools use better.

So, if she gets in, I think that we'll go with school A. Now, here's the problem: at the open house, we were told that there was a very good chance we'd get her in. When I picked her up, the woman at the school who was arranging the shadows told me that she was pretty sure dd wouldn't get in b/c we are out of district. She said to be patient and that, if by lottery she places at a decent place on the waiting list, she might get in as late as August (the month school starts), but we're going to have to choose another school in the meantime since it sounds like this one isn't a guarantee.

I'm putting out prayers that dd gets blessed and gets in, though. Think good thoughts for her!