Schools were back in session yesterday and I still heard nothing from the other two middle schools so I called them to inquire. School C (the expeditionary learning one) seemed to have some organizational issues going. They didn't know if she got in, said they'd check, and then came back on to tell me that they didn't think they'd looked @ school of choice applications yet and that I'd hear something at a later date.
School A (the high performing one that dd and I both liked) told me that she is in the middle of the waiting list and that they simply don't call you if you don't get in. She wouldn't tell me exactly how long the waiting list was but I got her to narrow it down to fewer than 40 kids so I assume that dd has 15-20 kids on the waiting list ahead of her. She did also say that there were a lot of kids who were offered spots on Monday who didn't call back to accept or deny the positions and that, if most of them didn't take spots, we'd be hearing back from them early next week b/c they'd then have room for dd.
School B gave us a deadline (Wed.) by which we needed to call or lose the spot. School A apparently gave people the same deadline but isn't holding them to it. If they didn't call by Wed, the school is still holding their spots and will be trying to get in touch with them over the next few days to see if they want the spots or not.
For now we've accepted dd12's high school place (which we intend to stick with, of course) and dd10's place at school B. We'll see if we ever hear anything back from school A. If not, we may just need to find a way to make school B work but that is going to involve a sales job to dd on this school.