Originally Posted by kcab
Put more pressure on your parents to allow you to travel abroad. It's surprisingly freeing to have a socially acceptable reason to be different. I also found that it was very interesting and challenging to try to live in a place where I didn't know the language. YMMV, I know a few people who hate travel. If you can't go now, go later, but immerse yourself when you go.

I'm trying to do it real, real subtly (Mom has articulated that if she catches me traveling abroad before the end of undergrad, she will stop supporting me in any way, shape or form) - she knows and appreciates my reasons for wanting to, but she is fiercely paranoid and I've run into a wall trying to figure out why she has this wacky sense of anxiety.

(Neither of my parents are exactly all there, to varying degrees. Did I mention my father is probably going to die in the next 5-10 years, and he's only 60, because his lungs, brain, and bladder are in such crud shape and he's almost entirely disabled, and did I mention my mother is - partially justifiably because her family life as a kid sucked - EXTREMELY anxiety-ridden? They've gone over wills with me and talked life insurance and power of attorney. On top of the darker aspects of being profoundly gifted, I have family issues, and I'm in my early twenties - entirely too young for either parent to keel over, and yet my father will probably die, at the latest, two years after I finish grad school. Whoop-de-friggin'-doo. Although, then again, who DOESN'T have family issues?)