If you're asking "why?" it's because man is stupid and God hates us. Life is hell, but it ain't forever and it ain't that bad. (because life on earth is made of carbon, which has 6 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrons). If you want to live here you're constantly combusting oxygen, or, burning forever.
Just kidding. I'm being stupid. Trying to cheer you up a little.
Oh the lonelines. And why do they let the stupid people run things in this world? I vaguely remember those feelings. Now I have two small children and a husband to take care of and feelings have become simple- tired, irritated, happy, or amused. To be honest I frequent this forum for the community as well, although I do like learning new things like I always do here; it's the people here that keep me coming back.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar