Hi ACh,
I went back and read your last post - and I particularly like when you added:
I have to add that no matter how gifted your kid is, they won't amount to anything unless they have drive, motivation, and discipline.
2 questions:
1) how did you maintain your drive motivation and discipline under less than ideal conditions?
2) what if 'enjoying other people' was an academic subject? How would you rate the 'drive,motivation and discipline' you have applied to the subject so far, and do you think it's worthwhile to increase your 'd-m-d' in this subject, and if so, what steps could you take to do so?

To be honest, I didn't really feel completely safe to fully be myself with anyone else until my own son was born. I did recognise that that isn't the right way, so I decided to act maturely and bring more of my whole self into my friendships, and also try to find people who were more 'like me' so that more of me would be appreciated. This group here is part of that.

If you are able to travel to BIQ in the spring near Boston Mass I would recommend trying that Beyond IQ (BIQ) Boston April 29 - May 1, 2011
Chelmsford Radisson, Chelmsford, Massachusetts, USA.
Also keep close tabs on http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/conferences.htm to see if there are any conferences that seem like worth a try.

Then there is the question of stress. Everyone has more than they want. Some people find a way to handle it so they can go on. Some people are more ambitious and find ways to grow from stress so that they can handle more than before. What are you ways to deal with stress. Which ones help you, which ones hurt you, which ones grow you?

One more idea - anyone you like here, you can send them a 'PM' private message and see if they are willing to chat with you a bit. One thing about PG folks - I believe that they are the most diverse group that exists.

Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com