Originally Posted by Grinity
2 questions:
1) how did you maintain your drive motivation and discipline under less than ideal conditions?
2) what if 'enjoying other people' was an academic subject? How would you rate the 'drive,motivation and discipline' you have applied to the subject so far, and do you think it's worthwhile to increase your 'd-m-d' in this subject, and if so, what steps could you take to do so?

2 I don't really know how to answer. To be perfectly honest, I feel like I've been run horribly ragged regarding 'enjoying other people', for the most part, and every so often I'm all 'hey, maybe this person has a smart' and then I wind up finding out 'nope, should have kept to myself on that one' because either they're, to be a little euphemistic, off the old wavelength, or worse, they're nuts.

1 I can answer better. I want those things and need them to get where I want to go.

The alternative is somewhere I never, ever want to go.

Last edited by ACh; 10/04/10 09:24 AM.