Originally Posted by Grinity
Can you say more about 'been run horribly ragged' - does that mean that you spend a lot of time on the topic? does it mean that your hopes get lifted up and then dashed?

It's at the point where I wish I didn't need people at all, more often than not - I certainly cherish the ones I have who actually enrich my life, such as my best friend and my parents and the handful of professors I've had, but others? It's psychological pain that's almost like chronic physical pain, and dosing oneself up on painkillers, unlike chronic physical pain, isn't the way to go about dealing with it.

Originally Posted by chris1234
My brother has found a good place too, after much MUCH up and down. He has phd in nuclear physics, completed studies to become an m.d. also, but finally ended up getting a job where he can just do research, design, etc., etc., some bio-something or other job, which sounds like a great fit for him. His wife is adorable and very smart, I don't think pg, but she is gifted and they spend their days speaking different languages together, raising a sweet little girl and doing their own thing, which I think is a good ending/beginning.
Just some thoughts, early 20's is not the end of the road you will more than likely find folks you can 'stand to be around' and who can stand you. laugh

ps, dh is definitely a curmudgeon!

I would totally beg you to put me in touch with your brother because I need mentors especially in the sciences, especially people who are profoundly gifted, like I need food, except I have no idea how one would go about a cross-sciences mentorship, since I'm in biology and your brother's a nuclear physicist.

Different languages are awesome. I'm somewhat fluent in Romanian, myself. Any Romanian speakers? Vorbesc romaneste, un pic. laugh