Originally Posted by passthepotatoes
I'm wondering in hindsight do you see ways to answer that question honestly without bragging or being ashamed?

To me it is lot like if someone asked "so what's your husband been up to lately?" and you replied "he's making a quarter of a million dollars now and is fluent in German." Yes, that's honest but "he's still enjoying his job and he's playing golf in any free moment he can get" is also honest and far less likely to make people think you are obnoxious.

It is revealing to me when the options are being presented as 1. talk about milestones and be honest about your kids or 2. don't talk about milestones and be a liar who is ashamed of her kids. There really is another alternative.

I don't often mention that DH is a doctor because I have gotten some pretty yucky comments in the past. But then someone will ask how he's doing and I'll say that he's really overworked (some days that is the only honest answer besides "still breathing" and "hanging on by a thread"), and they ask what he does...and I'm stuck.

I think most of the people in this thread are trying to find that balance between not saying anything and saying too much. Sometimes that line is hard to find, especially when general answers provoke follow up questions.