Originally Posted by passthepotatoes
Originally Posted by no5no5
I wonder what topics related to parenting you would advise introducing at the playground? I'm up for more interesting conversation, but sadly I often cannot think of any when I am with a group of near-strangers.

This stuff is easy for me so I'm probably being insensitive that part of why milestones dominate conversation is people can't think of other things to talk about. If you are genuinely interested in other people it seems like conversational topics would emerge fairly easily... other parks with good playgrounds, shared interest in dinosaurs, hobbies like knitting, life while half asleep, etc.

Add to that good children's books, CDs, events that shouldn't be missed, fun places to take the kids, ongoing sales, which sports programs/music teachers to choose, and parents' own interests... I actually never felt that I could run out of topics with my friends. Some parents would bring the conversation back to what their kids can do, but if this is not always the main theme it's quite harmless.