Hi NewMom.

First, welcome to the board. From what you described you will have your hands full and will need the support. And you're right...talking to your friends about DD can cause some major hurt feelings and I have come to realize that it really isn't worth it. I now have my close gifted moms who I have meet on some boards that I confide in about the day to day issues and successes and as for my other friends... well, I am still friends but I don't really talk about my DD with them.

Second, I really do feel your pain on all the book reading. My DD was obsessed with books and since she never napped it was a full time job. I would like to say that with mobility the obsession lessens but I didn't see that one happen. I really think it is the way they build their vocabulary and their understanding of their world. DD learned all her ABCs by 9 mths because she was obsessed with some ABC books. She will be turning 3 yrs next month and I would like to say that books are not such a problem anymore, but I would be lying. smile Books are no longer a 24 hour obsession, but still a major part of her life. DD now fills part of her time with the computer which I fear is becoming the new obsession. And DD too, was able to use the computer by herself by age 2 which freed me up.

So don't hesitate to write about your DD ... we have all been there and have fond memories of the days. (Ok ... fond since we survived them.) And definitely find the time to read Ruf's book that was suggested to you. She really gets into infancy and you will see how much of what freaks you out is discussed in that book. But, of course, get ready to freak out about what else is brought up in the book. It is only natural to freak out ... part of the process.