It is a wonderful and fun thing to have a baby. As they saying goes the days are long but the years are short - so enjoy it while it lasts.

The one piece of advice I have is to recognize that the similarities with other parents and their experience of their children are far more significant than the differences potentially related to giftedness. Because your child seems to be hitting milestones early doesn't mean her life or parenthood needs to be primarily described or defined in those terms and to do so may highlight differences in a way that isn't helpful in her identity or your relationships with other people. While I certainly appreciate your long term concerns for her education, I would encourage you to enjoy her for the person she is and accept her development as normal because it is. The amount of growth and development in all kids from zero to age two is absolutely amazing.

And, I strongly agree with the suggestion to have routines and structure to the day. 5 books, walk, snuggle time, etc. Getting into that predictable rhythm for the day can make like so much easier for all involved.