I'm not to sure about this whole dialogue re: gassing and bragging. Though I do struggle with how to frame anything I say about my son in certain company.
I don't understand the need to label a baby gifted and then blog about it to boot. Can we all look back at infancy and say there were signs. Sure - maybe. I bet there are plenty of parents with ND bright kids that do the same.
Many child development specialists say that anything can happen up to the age of 2. And although I clearly saw signs of giftedness in ds7 before 2, I would never mention my suscipions let alone have a brag blog. Did I write my thoughts in a private journal - yes. I also wrote about everything my son did - barfing on the dog, peeing on MIL (that was a great moment - LOL!). I struggled for 10 years with infertility and thought I would never have children. My son is my greatest joy.
I would take into consideration how actions and expectations can shape a child. Babies should be enjoyed just for being babies regardless of milestones. Stop and smell the baby powder. That's my bit of advice for what it's worth.

Last edited by FrustratedNJMOM; 08/03/09 09:26 AM.