I was not really caught up on milestones with our daughter either except for noting she was ahead. I will say, however, that finding out that she was "gifted" was somewhat of a relief for us. Many of the cognitive milestones she was ahead on yes, but our concern for months was her complete lack of interest in other children her own age. She preferred the company of adults from a very young age and when we started her in preschool she had no interest in playing with the other kids. Zero. I was so upset because I envisioned this friendless life for her. I did completely the wrong thing which was to set up play dates with younger children thinking that kids her own age were somehow socially intimidating to her. Then upon the advice of her preschool teacher we had her evaluated by a psychologist. She suggested that perhaps DD was having a hard time communicating with her peers because of her advanced vocabulary and suggested we try letting her socialize some with kids a few years older. It worked and now that her age peers have more developed vocabularies she is playing with them more as well. Not sure exactly what my point is other than I guess knowing she was gifted from a younger age might have helped us understand more what was going on with her and avoided some worry. However, I am sure I would have found something else to worry about grin