Originally Posted by passthepotatoes
I find if I'm super cheerful in my response "Every kid is different of course, but I feel so lucky to have found something that works so well for our family and there is such a nice homeschooling community here now so we are super busy..." People got to be pretty much looking for a fight to be negative when you are being so chipper about it.

This is what I thought! My husband recommends talking about how hard it is instead. That way, people don't have to feel bad about not homeschooling themselves in case they have a hang up about that.

For example, one lady told me that her kid (who went to the same school that DS6 went to) had a stomachache daily and nightmares every night for a year because of a mean teacher. Naturally, she'll feel bad to know that I would never put up with that. Then, I know another lady with a ticcy-hyper who thinks hs is "too hard". She might get upset to find out that hs is hard but I'm willing to do it.

Funny thing is I recently read that folks who are gifted have trouble understanding other people's insecurities. Perhaps this is a case in point.