The benefit is that my approach avoids the dreaded word "gifted" that gives some people such fits, but doesn't make me feel dishonest or leave people with the (wrong!) impression that DS is a bad seed, which leaving the GTness out entirely tends to do.
I think this is true. I've had people insinuate or assume DS is ADHD, LD, etc when we weren't more specific. Although, lately DS has gone very public with his language skills. And not necessarily in a good way.

But on the other hand, I've had a few random people approach me and say "I see why X school wasn't a good fit for him".
I also agree that being upbeat and presenting it as a family decision that works on many levels is good too. Choosing to homeschool is really a lifestyle choice that goes beyond selecting a school. And although it is a choice we've made for now, it's definitely not for everyone. No solution is perfect. We have lots of additional reasons that make it work for us too - flexible travel, ability to pursue more extra curricular, etc. I don't see our choice to homeschool as any better or worse than anyone else's decision. Some days I'm jealous of people who have HG+ kids that can make it work in public school.
PassThePotatoes - great approach and I totally agree.