Yes I agree passthepotatoes...I've tried to be very careful in addressing the HS question. I tend to get questions at the grocery store where most are in a hurry anyway so I can make a quick getaway. I find it odd everyone always wants to know why DS isn't in school as in "Why aren't you in school, are you sick?" I don't want him to hear a lot of negative talk from me either about himself or about school so I usually just state that he's HS'd and end the conversation there. In one conversation, in not trying to bring up the lack of challenge issues, she thought DS was a slow learner I think b/c I said he learns differnetly. I think, I"m not certain, that "learns differently" is code for slow learner. I think a couple of people have thought that and I just leave it at that ... I don't really care what they think. If someone persists in asking questions, I just state that DS was very unhappy in school such that he was having a lot of physical issues (stomach aches, headaches).

It's funny though how many people once they get past it, comment, "Well that's great. HS'd kids learn so much better and faster than PS'd kids." And these are people who have kids in the PS!