With one year of homeschooling about under the belt, it is funny how people react when they hear that we are doing that. My family is 100% accepting and they were the ones that suggested it in the first place. My husband's family just doesn't get it and think we are scarring him for life. We have found with the local homeschool group here that most of the moms are very outspoken on their homeschool opinions and the group is pretty much divided into 3 groups...the ones that are extremely religious, the ones that are radical and don't want anything to do with the census and would prefer to live in a commune with other HS families or the families whose kids weren't getting their needs met and had no other option. The only super negative (other than my inlaws) was from DS6's speech teacher at the local elementary school. He goes in to see her once a week for his IEP and she is adament about how homeschooling is not good for any kid and that at some point in their lives they must learn to fit in the box in order to be accepted in society. Which I STILL don't get!!!
I just tell people who ask that we chose to do it because it was the best fit for a child who was very unhappy in public school.