Here is the type of responses I have gotten from most people. I will just generalize into 5 types of response I get from people (I understand there are more than this...but here are the basic responses I have to my most likely exceptionally gifted 4yo, and the responses were even more extreme when he was 2 and 3).

Shock and Awe - This type of person is completely shocked about the things my DS does and says. They ask lots of questions about how we created a child like this, and what he is eating, etc. How we taught him to read, what we do to "teach" him.

Shock and Disgust - This type of person finds my DS very odd and acts as if he is a freak because of his abilities. They talk about how he won't be normal socially and act as if he has a disability and wonder what I am going to "do with him" They often make condescending and sarcastic comments about his abilities. When he was 2 they would say things like "well her kid could help you fix your computer if you need it."

Shock and concern - This type of person is amazed by abilities, and is concerned about my DS's future and what troubles he may have. They ask lots of questions and give lots of advice about future placements and schools, etc. The often recommend home-schooling to me.

Shock and insecurity - This type of person turns away when anyone else talks about my son. When they say anything about their on child they act as if it isn't really that good because my son did that forever ago. Or at times if they have older children they say that their children did all the same stuff at his age.

Understanding - This type of person understands the obstacles we have ahead, but wants to get to know me and my child better. They don't just lump him into a category because of his intelligence. The treat him with respect and are proud and eager to hear of his accomplishments...and ask to hear more.

So my favorite is the last one. thankfully I have found a lot of friends and support, but have encountered many of the others along the way. I have yet to encounter a real life person with a child anything like my own...but I have read about them, LOL. I can't wait to meet one some day.