I have learned to keep my mouth shut the hard way.

I talk about it with some family members, most of the people in my and my husbands family are either GT or special ed....or both....lol

So they all sort of get it, although, if my sister in law say to me one more time"I am glad I'm not in you shoes" I might hit her in the head with a shoe! Her kids are both gifted, she is rowing in a river in Eygpt- "de-nile!" I have mentioned this to her a few times and she just says,"No he's just in to stuff." The older boy is 10 and last year built his own computer from extra parts they had laying around the house... yeah, into stuff.

But we found a friend on-line that lives in our area and it has turned out great! our DS7 and there DS7 are like frick and frack! I just wish they went to the same school. So we are now friendly with them.

Otherwise I smile and wave like the penguines from "Madagasgar"

Last edited by ienjoysoup; 10/22/08 06:45 AM. Reason: fixed