Originally Posted by Grinity
LOL - I thought that folks with the Introvert Preference were all 'what you see is less than 5% of what's going on in here' - not exactly WYSIWYG.

LOL! I can't speak for all introverts, of course, but remember that we INTJ-ers are Spock. The fact is, there's not a whole lot going on in here that isn't also going on out there.

When there is something that we absolutely have to hold in, we still cock one eyebrow quite noticeably and say, "Fascinating." We can't help ourselves.


And no worries, kcab. I think you and I would get along famously. We just agree way too often to be anything but good buddies. wink But I totally get your "fur rubbed the wrong way" analogy. You're right. I see it happen. I've just accepted that I am *not* an acquired taste: you either get me or you don't, and it's okay either way.

And Lorel:

Originally Posted by Lorel
You are very honest and open and genuine, and I like that in a friend! I can't imagine who wouldn't enjoy your company.

Gosh! You're just nice. blush You made my whole week. Thanks!

(But really, trust me, there are plenty of people with fur rubbed all kinds of wrong by me!!!)
