Wow, how true that is. I have always felt this way and have talked about it with DH and my parents. Even at a young age I couldn't say anything about my child to most of my friends and others around us because of their reactions. I was truly not bragging, and at first I didn't know things were out of the norm so I thought I was just commenting on normal stuff. I just wanted to talk about my child like they could. Then people stopped talking to me about their children and when I would praise them for their children's accomplishments they would act as if I was condescending. They would respond with "well he's not reading yet like your DS" It was really hurtful.

I used to be afraid that my DS would talk in front of his peers and their parents would feel bad...I still feel like this at times, but not so much because everyone knows he is different. But when he writes notes to other 4 yo's in church and they don't write back he doesn't understand why sometimes. When he was 1-2yo and we would go to stores he would read signs, and I would always pray that no one would ask his age (he always looked older so people at least thought he was 3 when he was not quite 2 yet). It's one thing to have a child that is bright, that is generally acceptable (although I guess some people wouldn't like that either). But having a child that is highly/exceptionally gifted doesn't seem very acceptable to me. So now I don't say too much, which makes me sad. My DS tells the funniest stories and says hilarious stuff...but I write it down and maybe some day I will share it in a book. I am grateful for forums like this because it has been the only way to really share stuff about my DS and get support without feeling uncomfortable or like I am bragging.