Originally Posted by Kriston
I'm intense, too. And too honest. I say what I mean and mean what I say....

I tend to fare better with other non-passive-aggressive women (rare) and men. Men usually think I'm swell, since there's no hidden agenda and no holding a grudge. WYSIWYG.

WOW! I could have written this. I always describe myself as WYSIWYG. I am also direct and fairly blunt though I've learned to cushion what I say. Alas, I also am naive in that I tend to believe what people say and take things at face value not realizing that not everyone else is not direct or open. Yes, I too have a difficult time forming attachments. Throw both DYS kids into the mix and... Needless to say, I stopped talking about either of them when DS7 was 5y and I never talk about DD5.