Irena, I am do sorry that your ds' teacher has treated him this way. You may remember me talking about my ds' 2nd grade year - he also had a teacher who didn't understand his challenges and who was convinced he had ADHD , waseuther lazy or dumb, and who was constantly reporting behavior "problems" such as being slow to get snow clothes on or staring off into space in class or not producing written work. She was certain he had a low iq because he couldn't write 20 math facts correctly in 2minutes. It's tears later, he's appropriately multi-year accelerated in math and gets straight As without having to burst any brain cells open, and he still wouldn't be able to write down 20 math facts in 2minutes lol!

By the time ds was seen by a neuropsych in the latter part of 2nd grade he was so anxious the neuropsych warned us he needed to be removed from that classroom yesterday, and that he was on the verge of clinical depression - due largely to the classroom situation.

I never did go beyond any type of conversation with the teacher past politically correctly giving her info on ds' challenges and passing along recommendations for accommodations. We requested a change of classrooms for the next year and got it. I was worried at the time that his teacher would negatively talk him/us down in a way that would negatively influence who ds did get as a teacher, but stepping back from the emotion of the situation I realized that none of e teachers really wanted to have a kid in their classroom that they didn't understand or were frustrated with, so we got the teacher we asked for -a teacher who had a very different viewpoint who was much more accepting of kids who are outside the box.

Anyway, not sure I have anything to add except this one the - I'm replying because, yes, I held it in and didn't make a fuss over the teachers treatment of ds and I'm glad I did - I needed to maintain a good working relationship with e school and e only thing that pursuing it would have accomplished at the time would have been to antagonize a highly respected teacher.

OTOH - and this is why I'm replying lol - its almost 7 years later, and I STILL to this day have times when I would just love to go back and share a piece of my mind with that teacher!

I'm trying to do something more positive with those feelings instead, which I can share with you via pm. But I did want to post here to let you know that what you're feeling is so very very very normal in this type of situation.

Btw, please forgive the speeding quirks - I'm on my iPad smile

How soon is your school year over? I hope it's soon!
