Originally Posted by 2GiftedKids
frown She really couldn't find anything nice to say on that AT Eval?

Maybe use your bad experience to meet with the principal and advocate for getting input into which teacher next year would be a better fit for him. If he's 2E and has an IEP, you could always ask for an IEP meeting too.

Yeah but that is not even my problem. My problem is she used the form to yet, again, list a litany of 'problem behaviors' while not once mentioning (not even once!) that he can not communicate in handwriting. It just seems so odd and, like, passive aggressive. The AT eval form was not an eval for behavior modification or medicine or a eval for any disorder. The purpose of the form and eval is basically 'what tasks does the child need to be able to do that he can not do and therefore impedes his functioning and learning in the classroom.' And what did she do wth the form? She went on and on about behaviors. I am not so bothered that she mentioned the behaviors but the she really went on and on and at the same time did not mention that he can not write, draw or accomplish fine motor tasks effectively. What did she think this would accomplish? Did she think the AT lady would provide ADHD meds? Or maybe shock therapy for when he is "argumentative"? I am just at a lost for what she was trying to accomplish... It just seems she used it unnecessarily as a platform for her to B%^$# about my son and not to help with the whole point of the eval which was to brainstorm ideas to make it so he can independently communicate in writing with technology.