I tell you I can not wait until this school year is over! I flippin' hate my son's teacher. She just lives to knock him down a peg. She just flat out refuses to recognize his talents. He waits all year to get student of the month - no one picks my son ... Some children have been chosen three times!!! Some twice, My son once .. at the end of the year. All year he's been wanting his writing to be included in "ShareFest" - only the two kids in the class with highest score on the writing assignment get chosen. A few months ago my son was one of the three highest and so they drew straws and guess who lost out? ... you guessed it - my poor kid. Then, this month, the final sharefest of the year he wrote this great story and allegedly the teacher told him that it could be in sharefest but she wants to give someone else a chance so he doesn't get to do it. WTF? Someone else a chance? He's never gotten to do it! And, apparently, she told him she realizes he never got to do it but he was chosen for young authors (that is a completely different contest which was not judged by her and which he was chosen as a finalist and did not ultimately win. Oh and it felt like she did everything in her power to impeded his participating in the YA contest, e.g. she refused to give him his accommodations to write his piece and then when she finally had to because yours truly was on top of it of course she made him do it during recess!) I know I am being a pushy parent but like I have said before she just seems to have this goal of "knocking him down." And he really needs his strengths and talents to be recognized sometimes! I really want to say something about this. Should I? Sorry I sound like a crazy tiger mom ... hoping those of you who see how much our 2E kids struggle every day will understand a little about why I am so upset.

ETA The sharefest already took place and is over now... so it's not like I will complain and he will get to do it. I just really want to share with her how disappointed I am in how she seems to have a mission to downplay and/or not appreciate his talents. frown

Last edited by Irena; 05/08/14 12:49 PM.