Originally Posted by Irena
My problem is she used the form to yet, again, list a litany of 'problem behaviors' while not once mentioning (not even once!) that he can not communicate in handwriting.

That's probably not meanness (although her other acts certainly are)-- it's ignorance.

When a kid can't write, it usually looks (from the outside, to the less-trained eye) exactly like "won't write." And when the kid is smart in other ways, they can't see why the child "won't write" and it looks like defiance.

Even teachers who are reasonably well trained in other ways do not know how to spot this. Your teacher, not a paragon of fairness or open-mindedness, isn't going to get it.

Her input into the eval is evidence for you to use-- it shows that DS needs a teacher who understands his disabilities and is willing to think outside the box to meet his needs.