I understand your frustration. Although no teacher has ever thought that my DS was not bright, there have been times where I got the feeling that people have thought he is impulsive, undisciplined and not hard working - they resented that he does so well on tests, etc. and felt like he needed to be knocked down a peg or so. It does make me very angry especially because I know how much he has struggled in certain areas and how he does show persistence and discipline in cases where kids faced with the same challenges would give up.

I would let the issue go with this teacher – it is just going to cause you internal frustration, etc. and it will likely have no impact on them. One year I was so angry at something a teacher wrote on DS’s report card, I wrote a long email to the teacher that was highly critical of her teaching, etc. and was pretty nasty – then I sent it to my husband. smile

I think your DS should know how great his achievements are especially in light of his other exceptionalities and hope you can find avenues where his achievements can be acknowledged and appreciated – whether it’s a summer science program, or talent search testing or something else – I hope you can find a place where he can feel good about his efforts and what he can accomplish. Hugs to you!