Originally Posted by blackcat
I don't know. What's weird is that people with ADHD supposedly have normal intelligence, yet things like working memory and processing speed are measured as part of IQ tests. If ADHD people tend to be impaired with those things, but they are part of intelligence, then by logic you have to say that ADHD people aren't as intelligent overall. So if my DD has processing speed issues does that or does that not mean her overall intelligence is impaired? If there are discrepanices why calculate a GAI in order to get a true idea of a person's ability? Why leave those scores in for some people but not others? Why not just leave them OFF for everyone?

My son's GAI is about 25 points higher than his FSIQ. He has dyslexia and ADHD. His GAI seems to be most useful in determining the level of the work he should be doing, how far he is from the mean in his ability to understand things, that sort of thing. The FSIQ seems to more accurately predict his actual achievement in school.

My other son's WISC IV profile is fairly similar to his brother's with one big exception--his WMI score is in the gifted range where his brother's is below 100. They both have trouble with processing speed. His excellent working memory makes schoolwork a breeze for him even though he struggles with speed issues.