blackcat (Happy Halloween, btw ;))

this made me groan out loud... it hit close to home:

DD's teacher last year was anti-med and didn't want to talk about the ADHD at all. But I got an email from her the last week of school saying that she's slow, sloppy, can't complete the simplest of tasks, DD was crying in class about not getting things done, etc. I forwarded it to the school psych saying "maybe we need to reconsider the 504" and the school psych never replied.

Polly, my friend's 2e DS gets a "scribe" with his IEP due to his slow processing speed. Not sure if you could access a scribe for dysgraphia using a 504, but thought I'd mention this.

We just submitted an old OT evaluation last week, along with a letter from our pediatrician requesting the school do further evaluation, and we had a multi-disciplinary meeting set up on Monday. Today we heard DD6.5 qualifies for a 504 even before her ADHD evaluation is complete with the MD.