I am still waiting for DD to get a really good teacher. We are on #4 at this school and a couple have been better than others, but I haven't been overly impressed with any of them. Yesterday I let her play outside after school. By the time she came in, her medication had worn off and it was impossible to get her to do anything. Dh woke her up a half hour early in the morning so she could get her math done, but since the patch takes about 3 hours to kick in, she is no more focused in the morning than the evening. After much yelling, I finally told DD the answers and she wrote them down. The reason why I did this--her teacher will keep her in from recess as a punishment if she doesn't get stuff done. She turned in her busywork worksheets for "enriched spelling" a couple days late and the teacher threatened to bump her down to a lower spelling group if she didn't get those worksheets turned in the next morning (today). What the heck is that all about. The spelling group she is in should be based on whether she can pass the tests, not how quickly she copies words down on practice sheets. Plus, DD scored 100 percent on the pre-test yesterday so what did it even matter if she got those sheets done?! She is in third grade, it's not like this is high school.