Thank you also, polarbear.That was very helpful. I have a feeling the people in the school district are just very poorly trained, but there also is an element of trying to get out of things. The school psych is also the one who wants to give her the Weschler non-verbal ability test rather than the WISC,even though the WISC would be a better test. So far I have not argued much with her about anything, I just sent her the info about how DD needs to be evaluated in terms of ADHD without the medication (or how she was before she was treated). The school psych's response was that her teacher thought she was "just fine", there are no timed tests (other than the CogAT), there are no real grades in second, third grade, etc. So there is no problem. DD's teacher last year was anti-med and didn't want to talk about the ADHD at all. But I got an email from her the last week of school saying that she's slow, sloppy, can't complete the simplest of tasks, DD was crying in class about not getting things done, etc. I forwarded it to the school psych saying "maybe we need to reconsider the 504" and the school psych never replied. I haven't written to her or talked to her about it since then. She was summoned (not by me) to DS's last IEP meeting and is going to need to be part of his comprehensive eval (ugh). Now we have the third grade teacher telling DD that she needs to speed up and she's too slow, despite DD appearing focused and putting effort into her work and the teacher knowing about the ADHD. It seems like that should be enough to write a 504.