Originally Posted by 1frugalmom
Not sure if this was really a L&L approach or not, but this morning we told the girls if they could get ready for school without any of the typical morning drama (bickering, wasting time, etc.)then we would do something extra-special as a family tonight. It worked - my morning was stress free!!! Guess this confirms to us as parents that our time is worth more to our children than probably anything else. Why didn't I think of this sooner? I would gladly give them more time in exchange for less drama in the house! Now lets see how long I can get this to last.

Yes. The whole premise of the book Hold on to your Kids is that all the good things we want spring from what we invest in the relationship. That sounds so obvious...but it is really worth reading. I spent years thinking that I could get the desired results from a sort of behaviorist approach, telling myself that what worked for dolphins at Sea World should work on my kids. Not so much.