For us it's not so much brands of juice as willingness to really listen to him, at length, constantly. His kindergarten teachers are *not* going to listen to him. In his view, they will probably not listen to him *at all, ever.*

I've come up with a key phrase now that means, approximately "shut up, listening that hard to you while we X will create a dangerous situation..." it works, maybe, oh, 20% of the time... smile

We can totally take a different way to the store, as long as I'm willing to engage in a complex consideration of the space-time continuum, local geography in the context of the passage of seasons and movement compared to the solar system, and so on. If we take the normal route, we can just talk about dinosaur evolution and compare/contrast bird to reptile eggs instead, and he's happy with that. wink

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!