I have to admit...I'm not always good at "picking my battles" and typically I will look back and wonder why I made such a big deal out of whatever it was. At the time it seems like it is important and something very doable for a 7 & 8 year old; like lately we have been trying to get both girls to just do what we ask of them, when we ask them. To us this sounds very simple, we say go wash your hands and come eat and they should be able to comply. Very seldom is it that easy and both DH and I get very frustrated at having to repeat ourselves over and over. That is where we had hoped maybe the L&L would come in handy...we ask them to wash there hands and come eat and if they do it great, but if not then we eat without them or later when they ask something of us we give one of the L&L sympathetic responses and let them know since they didn't do what we asked then we aren't going to do what they asked of us. Like I said previously, it sounds easy enough, but I'm just not sure it will work for our types of situations. I now understand some of DD7 & DD8's issues are because our girls are gifted, but to me that doesn't give them a free pass in life to not do what they are told, when they are told. I don't see them as any different from any other child in that respect. Maybe I'm wrong...I don't know. Are we asking too much?