Originally Posted by Michaela
He wasn't the best teacher ever, but that particular thing was worth a whole year, all by itself.

Ah! Nobody ever called my bluff! Ever!!
I was amazed that during (compulsory) study time in high school nobody ever asked what I was doing -- apparently as long as I had a book (even the trashiest golden age pulp SF) it was considered to be work. A lot of homework never got done that way. I mean, in class I had to hide the book under the table...

Originally Posted by Michaela
HAnd, yeah, undivided attention is kinda currency, but for the most part he just melts down, and is unable to make a choice to get my attention back.

I get that with DD4. A lot. Minus the need for constant verbal interaction. Several months of trying to withhold attention... Failed. Rather spectacularly. I haven't found a solution.